Sunday, March 24, 2024

Prayer of Jabez Season ( You Shall Have Whatsoever You Ask)

On March 19, 2024, my family recieved another unexpected financial blessing. The word of the Most High Yah went forth in the WE Believe Conference which was on March 15, 2024. He instructed me to speak the word " Overflow" and I obeyed during the time. The Most High Yah wants to bless his people but he wants them to elevate in their faith and trust him for the outpouring of His Spirit. This financial blessing opens the door for greater blessings from month to month. As a believer, you have to separate yourself from doubters and those who do not believe in miracles,signs, and wonders. This year, let's lay hold of every promise that He has for us and release our faith because in doing so, you will have whatsoever you ask. This is a prayer of Jabez season. Leave us a comment

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Today is April 2, 2023, and my faith is positioned to receive the very best that the Most High has for my life. In this season, the favor of Yah is moving across the land to those who are living a righteous and set apart life. What is it that you are desiring in your heart this season? Are you ready to believe the highest power in creation? Are you ready to release your faith to believe for miracles, signs, and wonders? If you answered "Yes", then take off the seat belts and let the Most High have his way in your life right now. Miracles, signs, and wonders follow those of us who believe in the supernatural power of the creator. If you have not purchased my EBOOK "Little Book of Abundant Blessings For Entrepreneurs: You Shall Have Whatsoever You Say", you need to invest now. Sow into my good soil and watch these seeds grow up to supernatural blessings you want have room enough to recieve. Here is the link: See some people want to come in through the back door and receive the same blessings as those coming in through the front door. It doesnot work like that with our creator, he doesnot want us to be ashamed of him. He wants us to own our love, relationship, and dependence that we have on him. Then and only then will he release his good favor upon your life. So,throughout the next 40 days, we will come through the front door and show him our love and respect. Also we will give testimonies, prepare our hearts for the increase, and release our faith to the next dimension of the heavenlies. Leave me a message if you're on the journey with us.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Consistency & Commitment (40 ) Days of Affirming

As you begin your 40 Daily Affirmations for the next 40 days, you will need to posture yourself to dismiss any distractions, disappointments, or challenges that may come your way. It will take consistency, commitment and the will to keep going even when you do not feel like affirming. If you are having challenges to staying consistent and committed for 40 days, reach out, leave a comment and we will work together to move you through these 40 days.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Insights: Incorporated Prayer & Fasting

The Daily Affirmations should be spoken for 40 days consecutively in the morning, afternoon, and at night. This is called the conditioning process. Your heart is being conditioned for your seeds of faith to settle in the good ground of your heart. Prayer and fasting work as the water that will help germinate your seeds of favor. Which in turn will produce the supernatural blessings of favor(his will & your desires). 7 days of fasting coupled with prayer must be completed. In this fast, you must be willing to sacrifice food and water from sun-up to sundown each day. No water and no food.

40 Days of Affirmations; Share What's Happening Supernaturally

As you begin your 40 days of daily affirmations, share the praise reports, breakthroughs, and the financial increases.

Welcome Supernatural Expectants


Just a little bit about my journey as an expectant of the supernatural realm. As young adult, I noticed that I could believe for things that I had no money to purchase. Supernaturally, someone would bless me with it or a certain circumstances would happen and the very thing that I believed for I would receive it. I began to read the scripture about how many people in the bible were able to receive their healing, miracles, and deliverance. I beganto tap into the deep waters of my faith along with applying the word to each circumstance intentionally. I have to be honest the work of applying the word has been continual in my life; however, I have throughout the years, seen and experienced the manifestations of favor in my life, my children's lives, and in the lives of many others.

This blog is to answer questions, give guidance, incorporate prayer, fasting, and to help build-up your measure of faith to receive the supernatural abundance of favor that the Most High Yah gives from his good treasure. This is a journey that we will be able to share together by giving praise reports and believing CORPORATELY for things that are impossible with man. Surely, we will believe and surely by faith we will receive our deepest desires. Mountains Be MOVED!!!!!